Monday, January 28, 2013

by Hallie Gipson

 I would imagine that everyone reading this can relate to what I call ‘distracting pursuits’ – those things that distract us mentally or physically when we are attempting to focus on the Lord in our quiet time.

How easily I can get caught up in the ‘tyranny of the urgent’ . . . the ringing phone I won’t leave unanswered; the pile of laundry I insist on doing now; the family problem I continue to mull over endlessly in my mind; the grocery list I mentally compile. Even though our lists would be different, I’m sure each of us could name many distractions that compete with our quiet times on any given day.

Several months ago I had just one of those days. Everything seemed to cry out for my attention and I allowed each distraction to delay my time with the Lord. It was almost bed time when I finally sat down and got still before the Lord. It was then I realized I was bringing the Holy Father the ‘leftovers’ of my day when what He had for me was “the finest of wheat” (Psalm 81:16 NASB).

My mind had been anything but focused on the Lord and I offered a prayer of repentance, asking the Lord to forgive me for allowing the distractions to take my focus off Him. I had to admit that even the frustrating phone calls would have been easier to deal with had I spent time with Him first.

God’s word says: “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:10 NASB). But the people of Israel did not listen and I did not listen either! His provision for me is nothing but the best – “But I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, And with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” (Psalm 81:16 NASB)

I am increasingly aware that too often my actions do not display a heart focused on my relationship with the Holy Father of the universe! I lean on the words of others and don’t read God’s word with the hunger I once had.  My habits can become stale and I can be far-removed from the close relationship I desire to have with the Lord.

As I sat in the quiet that evening a prayer I have titled “Leftovers” flowed from my pen onto the pages of my journal.


I don’t mean to offer You leftovers, Lord, it just “happens”. An unintentional act (or is it?) to delay spending time with You. Were those phone calls that urgent? Was it reason enough? They seemed to be at the time.
And now, here I am, at the end of the day and my excuses are lame to be sure. There is a hollow, vapid ring to my words and they rise up from a heart that feels flat.
My lips are unable to pray and yet I am aware of You in the sounds and senses of the night – the chirping crickets, the cool breeze wafting through the open window, the smell of evening as darkness settles over Your creation. You are everywhere even when I don’t stop to notice.
Why do I settle for leftovers, Lord, when I have the privilege of reaping in Your fields as one of Your children – reaping the treasures found in Your word; reaping the joys found in Your Presence; reaping blessings from knowing You; reaping the benefits of salvation that can only be obtained through a personal relationship with the Savior.
Praise You, Father, that I am Your daughter and that affords me the privilege of reaping Your treasures, Your Presence, Your blessings, and the benefits that come from a personal relationship with You! May I reap a bounty in You today, Lord!

Dear reader, may the Holy Father plant in you a hunger for the “finest of wheat”. May the Lord fill you to overflowing with the meat of His word!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

by Hallie Gipson

January 9, 2013

The New Year is only 9 days old and already I feel the crush of a calendar over-flowing with appointments, activities, deadlines, things to accomplish, and places to go. At a glance things look orderly enough. But I am aware that all things are not as they seem. What looks orderly and well planned is actually a minefield! The Enemy has laid the minefield and is waiting to discourage, derail, and defeat me. He wants me to believe I can accomplish things in my own power and when I fail, he is standing by to accuse and condemn.

I have strayed into his minefield more than once and have felt his accusations and condemnations when defeated. But praise the Lord, He doesn't allow me to stay in the minefield! He gently reminds me that He is to be my number one priority and without time in His Presence each day, I will be discouraged, derailed, and defeated.

The day was upon me before I arose
with things to be done and places to go.
I knew I should start my day with a prayer,
but my mind wouldn't rest as I sat in my chair.

Appointments to keep, people to please . . .
the list would go on so I sprang to my feet.
I quickly accomplished tasks one through four,
dressed for the day, and ran out the door.

I scurried about and completed each chore,
finished the errands, and returned home once more.
“Home at last”, I thought with a sigh.
The hour was late, the day had flown by.

My heart felt a prick as I glanced at my chair,
that place where I sit and cast all my cares.
There lay my Bible, my journal and pen --
reminders I’d placed other things before Him.

The day was fast slipping, the sun sinking low.
As I sat in my chair I knew just where to go.
To my Father in heaven, the Lord of my life,
Who can order my days and bring peace to my nights.
                                                                                                     Written by Hallie Gipson

“How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to dwell in Your courts. He will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.”    (Psalm 65:4 NASB)  

My prayer for you, dear reader, is that you will not stray into the Enemy’s minefield! As we begin this New Year, resolve to place your relationship with our Lord and Savior as your number one priority.

Father, forgive us when our priorities are not those You would have for us. Thank You for the order and peace you bring into our lives as we surrender our time to You.  Amen.

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